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Afflicting the Comfortable: Journalism and Politics in West Virginia - Thomas Stafford - Har... by Stafford, Thomas, Lewis, Ro... ISBN: 9781933202044 List Price: $29.95
Centre Ice by Smythe, Thomas Stafford, Sh... ISBN: 9781551682501
Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, andc., illustrated. In a series of views drawn from nature... by John Traveller Carne, W.H. ... ISBN: 9781241525521 List Price: $43.75
Pacata Hibernia. Ireland appeased and reduced. Or, an Historie of the late warres of Ireland... by George Carew, O'Grady Stand... ISBN: 9781241694753 List Price: $35.75
The world's commercial products; a descriptive account of the economic plants of the world a... by William George Freeman, Sta... ISBN: 9781172763733 List Price: $35.75
Sermon Preached by the Revd Mr John Conder, May 11, 1758, at the Ordination of the Revd Mr J... by Conder, John, Gibbons, Thomas ISBN: 9781171514701 List Price: $18.75
Topographical and Historical Description of the Parish of Tixall in the County of Stafford [... by Clifford, Thomas Hugh, Clif... ISBN: 9781240906567 List Price: $32.75
Within the Chancel by Stafford, Thomas Albert ISBN: 9781258371661 List Price: $38.95
Within the Chancel by Stafford, Thomas Albert ISBN: 9781258377762 List Price: $23.95
Arch Lake Woman : Physical Anthropology and Geoarchaeology by Owsley, Douglas W., Jodry, ... ISBN: 9781603442084 List Price: $30.00
Gossett V, U S U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by ROBERT A STAFFORD, THOMAS C... ISBN: 9781270630494 List Price: $30.99
Commemorative Discourse Delivered on the Occasion of Celebrating the Completion of the Tower... by Drowne, Thomas Stafford ISBN: 9781178784909 List Price: $18.75
Your Child Is Smarter Than You Think by Draper, Wanda, Stafford, Lt... ISBN: 9781614489917
American Women Writers and the Nazis Ethics and Politics in Boyle, Porter, Stafford, and Hel... by Austenfeld, Thomas C. ISBN: 9780813920528 List Price: $39.50
The Life and Times of Thomas Dixon 1805-1871 by Stafford Linsley ISBN: 9780953844364
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